Exploring Italy One Wine at a Time – Part 4: Radda in Chianti

This is where things got a little more interesting: we traded traveling by train to traveling by car, and were going into unchartered territory (i.e. a place no one else we knew had been). The drive into Chianti was a quick 45 minutes out of Florence; however, the roads became narrower and windier the further … More Exploring Italy One Wine at a Time – Part 4: Radda in Chianti

Exploring Italy One Wine at a Time – Part 2: Lake Como

After arriving in Milan, Nick and I navigated to the Milan Centrale Railroad Station where we boarded a train (essentially an Italian Metro North) to Varenna-Esino, Lake Como. The scenery began very much like that from the Metro North: suburban cities outside Milan. But then it opened up to towering mountains on one side with … More Exploring Italy One Wine at a Time – Part 2: Lake Como

PA Wineries Part 2

Considering my CT residency, I spent a surprising amount of time drinking wine in Pennsylvania this summer & early fall. With family still residing in Allentown, PA, Nick and I took several trips to the Lehigh Valley. And because we were spending time with family, naturally, we drank wine…with family, not because of the family, … More PA Wineries Part 2